An interview with Martha @marthas.fight [English]

We had a pleasure to ask Martha some questions about her life with CRPS, CPS and FND Paralysis. You can find her on Instagram: @marthas.fight.

1. What helps you the most during the hard times?

My friends, family and my little sausage dog ! Feeling supported and loved helps a lot 

2. Have you experienced ableism? If yes ,could you tell us more about it?

I have experienced ableism, and lots of if, whether it’s accessibility related, so turning up to an MRI after waiting many months, only to be told I can’t use it as I can’t walk, being questioned on the fact I can’t walk. Or whether it’s at my old college, where I was treated horrendously, discriminated against, etc. Ableism is something I face almost all the time.

3. Is there anything people do or say without meaning anything bad, that bothers you?

I'd probably say what annoys me the most that generally is meant nicely is when people assume my only issue is related to my legs, when in fact I have extreme chronic pain head to toe, I joined a wheelchair tennis session hoping those around me would therefore be understanding, I explained what I cannot do, and the first task had pretty much all of it, so often people assume that if all wheelchair user can do something, then all others can too. Which is not true 

4. Is there something you'd like everyone to know about your illness or disabilities in general?

Partly linking to the previous question, there may be a visible issue, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only issue, I’d also say that I just wish people knew how hard I was trying, and how truly agonising my condition is, I hide the pain so well now, but it’s still just as bad as when I was struggling to breathe when the pain first started. When I say no medication helps, I mean it, no morphine, codeine, diazepam etc, nothing even slightly touches my pain. I have no choice but to get on with life.

5. Does it bother you when people ask you questions about your illness?

I personally don’t mind, as long as it’s asked in a respectful way and my limits to what I say are respected

6. What is something you’re hoping to achieve with sharing your story on the internet?

I hope to help others, others Similar to me or not, anyone that feels alone and isolated from their disability/illness  I hope to show them they’re not alone, and with time and persistence, things get better, that doesn’t mean symptoms ease, it means you learn to co exist with the symptoms .

7. What stigmas surround your chronic illness or disability?

There are so many, wheelchair related, paralysis related and chronic pain related, we are treated like a child that cannot speak for themself, there’s The stigma in asking people, whilst some people don’t like to answer and you shouldn’t just ask anyone and everyone, if you know someone well enough to feel comfortable talking about the struggles we face and not shy away from them.

8. Have you ever felt infantilised?

I think I have felt infantilized however at this moment I cannot think of an example!

9. Have you ever met someone in the hospital or medical community that changed your perspective on life?

Professional wise no, I haven’t had the best luck with them, but if it counts, then some of the incredible friends I’ve made in this community online and I’ve met up with, even gone on holiday with, have showed me there is happiness and a life that can be lived regardless of being in a wheelchair


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